Welcome to the
10 principals of the Mind webinar!
Are you ready to understand your own mind better?
To work with it instead of against it?
Are you tired of trying to cope with retroactive jealousy by distracting yourself, using logic, trying to trick your mind or suppress your emotions?

This webinar is for you if…
✔ You want to understand what the root cause of retroactive jealousy is for YOU and how to begin the process of recovery in order to overcome it for GOOD instead of just coping with it.
✔ You recognize retroactive jealousy is your issue to deal with and your partner is not purposely trying to bring up their past in order to make you jealous or feel bad.
✔ You’re ready to begin building the relationship and life of your dreams without constantly questioning yourself or your partner.
✔ You are willing to take responsibility for your own emotions and thoughts.
This webinar may not be for you if…
✗ You are suffering with severe PTSD or trauma and desire one-to-one support from a therapist or coach.
✗ Your partner does or says things to make you feel like a second choice, uses their past to make your jealous, have shown patterns of emotional or physical abuse.
✗ You are looking for one-to-one support this is a webinar and does not come with any private coaching or therapy.

You will learn :
1. How to stop the emotional reaction in your body when you get intrusive thoughts.
2. Which core fears and insecurities are behind retroactive jealousy.
3. How to work with your mind instead of against it.
4. My experience with retroactive jealousy and how I was able to finally overcome it.
5. How to pinpoint and get rid of negative unconscious beliefs that are the root cause of retroactive jealousy.
6. Why your mind has been given to you to serve you and how to maximise your potential in life by understanding yourself so much better.
I am a coach and hypnotherapist who was struggling with retroactive jealousy for 7 years.
I tried everything from reading books to taking courses, meditating, using breathing techniques but the retroactive jealousy would just not go away.
I would still ask questions, stalk social media, get angry, shut down, and shame and blame my partner.
These ten rules were the first step towards my recovery and I still use them in my life today. I really hope they help guide you on your journey towards recovery.
Are you ready unlock your full potential and harness the power of your mind?
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