Retroactive Jealousy
What is Retroactive Jealousy?
A mind overrun by never-ending intrusive thoughts and mental movies which leads to feelings of anger, disgust, sadness and anxiety, causing you to shut down, judge your partner and sabotage your relationship.
You know you’re a good partner. Loving, loyal, kind, but what happens when you get triggered?
Judge, shame and blame your partner or just stop talking to them all together?
Who do you turn in to?
Do you shut down, get angry or both?

You know ‘the past is the past’ so why do you care?
You feel drained, exhausted, stressed, depleted, lost, tired, and unmotivated.
You’re not happy and notice the Retroactive Jealousy is impacting all areas of your life – your career, friendships, family, and who you are as a partner.
You are tired of distracting yourself or coming up with clever reasons of ‘why it shouldn’t matter’.
You're TIRED of these intrusive thoughts and feelings running your life and want to put a stop to them but you don’t know how.
The more in love you are, the stronger the retroactive jealousy feels.
Would you describe yourself as someone that just wants to enjoy their relationship? To love and be loved without CARING about the past. Especially a past that is not even your own.
You don’t know WHY you’re like this or WHAT it is within you that causes you to feel so bothered by their past– but you’re ready to break the cycle!
You've tried everything to fix it - counselling, therapy, books, videos, ERP, courses and more BUT are still unmotivated, frustrated, and stuck!
You feel off & know that this is not you but don’t know how and just can’t stop the intrusive thoughts and mental movies.
Are you ready to release feelings of anger, judgment, shame, guilt, anxiety, and frustration? To heal old wounds, eliminate overthinking & get rid of spiraling negative thoughts?

What would your life look like without this problem?
You would be in a relationship where you both feel safe and secure as well as drop any judgment towards your partner or yourself.
You would be someone that TRULY believes their partner when they tell you “I don't care about that anymore, all I want is you”.
Who do you not get to be because of this issue?
The partner you want to be, the partner you CAN be. Someone that allows themselves to reach their full potential for themselves and in their relationship.

What’s on the line?
Your relationship.
A healthy, happy relationship, a clear, calm mind, a stable family environment.