How to know if you are with the RIGHT person?

How to know if you are with the right person?

What are the signs? What are the signals? How should you feel if you are with the right person? 

People talk about love. People talk about respect. People talk about patience. People talk about communication. And although these things are important, If you're going to be with someone for a long time, there are going to be times where things get very, very difficult. 

Inevitably life has its ups and downs, and relationships will inevitably become affected. 

Of course, you can have all the right tools, but there is one thing that is important.

And that is...the will to work on the relationship, no matter what happens. 

In this day and age, we are very used to instant gratification. You send a message, not a letter. Your phone breaks, you go and buy a new one. Your car breaks, if it's over a certain number of years old, you probably will get a new one. 

We live in a world where if it's broken, you don't fix it, you buy a new one. 

If your relationship is struggling you can just scroll through Instagram or a dating app and find someone that looks good and could be a good fit for you.

Everything is just so replaceable nowadays and we don't have the patience to wait it out when things get difficult. 

Now, of course, it goes without saying, if you're being abused, leave. Don’t “stay with this person no matter what”

But if you are in a committed relationship currently going through a rough patch  where maybe you're confused, angry, annoyed BUT you are both trying to make it work, then you have found your person, as far as I'm concerned. 

It's all about wanting to keep trying. It's all about the will to fix what's broken, not replace it. 

You are patient, you are committed. You view them as a human, instead of someone that is supposed to be perfect. 

This comes from viewing yourself as a human, and not wanting yourself to be perfect (projection)

Not getting angry at the other person as soon as they make a mistake or something goes wrong. Because it will, and because relationships do go through ups and downs it’s normal. 

So if you guys are committed to therapy, to courses, to working on yourselves and then working together then that's where you want to be.

Someone once said, in the old days, if something was broken, you would fix it. 

Nowadays, you just throw it out and go buy the next best thing. 

This does trickle into relationships and people how they feel about each other.

Dating apps, social media, scrolling, swiping, matching, makes people feel quite disposable. 

So if you're with someone that doesn't engage in that and is committed to working on the relationship no matter what, then you found your person.

Watch the video above for more details:)


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