Relationship Anxiety Or Gut Feeling?

In this blog, I want to help you differentiate between your gut feeling and anxiety.

There are three things that you can be aware of to help you differentiate between your gut feeling and relationship anxiety. 

Firstly, your gut feeling, your intuition is subtle.  When you intuitively feel something, it's not going to result in you having sweaty palms, palpitations, or going in to "fight or flight".

That's not your gut. That is anxiety. Your gut feeling is subtle. It is calm. It does not send you into a physical spiral. 

Secondly, intuition is based on the present moment, thought’s that start with “what if” are not intuition. They don't have to do with the past and they don't have to do with the future. They are very much present-based. 

Thoughts such as “What if they do this?” “Or what if that happened in the past?” “What if this happens in the future?” “What if it doesn't work out?” If the sentence starts with “what if” it's anxiety.

Thirdly, anxiety causes you to not be able to concentrate on anything else. It can cause you to have a very narrow focus. There's nothing else that you can think about. There's nothing else that you can concentrate on. You get, as we said before, palpitations, sweaty palms, etc. Your body goes into "fight or flight", and you feel you just can't get out of that spiral.  

With your intuition, that's not what happens. It's calm, it's subtle. It's based on the present. It's not based on the past or in the future, it doesn't physically feel very intense. It doesn’t stop you from focusing on other things. It doesn't have the sense of urgency that anxiety has. 

So those are the three things to be able to differentiate between anxiety and intuition. It takes a little practice to distinguish between the two if you have been unaware for some time.


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